Enolytics - Data analytics for the wine and spirits industry.

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2025 is the Year of Growth for Wine + Data: Five Top Priorities

We are catching the wave of 2025 already, with eyes, ideas, thoughts and all energy trained on the twelve months ahead.

Before we wade too far in, though, I'd like to point toward five priorities in our wine + data world that are top of mind for our community and beyond.

  1. Partnerships. Enolytics has long identified as a "Switzerland" of wine data, and our ecosystem of relationships and integrations is expanding as we speak with eCellar and Shopify leading the way.

  2. ENO Index for DTC, which is effectively a measurement of one winery's performance in relation to their competitive set. The Index leverages our ENO Insights offering to provide wineries around the country with their role, and relevance, in industry-wide trends.

  3. Toolkit for Marketing. From Tock to Mailchimp, from Red Chirp to Klaviyo, wineries' use of marketing tools for their DTC program has been a priority for Enolytics for some time. In 2025, the time has come for the roadmap to come to full fruition.

  4. Expanded AI. If you've been watching Enolytics 2.0, you'll have heard about the "Ask Me Anything" functionality. That's just the start, and we're excited for you to see what more we have in store in 2025.

  5. Depletion Data and Restaurant Visibility. Enolytics' DTC integration with wholesaler depletion data, thanks to our partnership with VIP (Vermont Information Processing), is poised to gain even more steam, as brands and distributors alike vie for more marketshare.

We're only eight days into 2025. But the road ahead is clear.

We're here and ready to collaborate as soon as you are. Want to talk, about any or all of the above? I'm here for it. My email is cathy@enolytics.com and my phone number is +1.702.528.3717.

Happiest of New Years to you, with sincere wishes for a happy and prosperous 2025!

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