Enolytics - Data analytics for the wine and spirits industry.

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Announcing Enolytics White Papers: Thought Leadership for Wine + Data

This week we are thrilled to announce the first two Enolytics white papers, which further our mission of thought leadership for data and analytics in the wine industry.

They do exactly what white papers are meant to do: provide information about topics that are pertinent to the health and success of our industry. The white papers are publicly available and easily accessible to anyone interested in downloading them.

One of the best parts about them? They are written by our co-founder Chris Huyghe and Ed Thralls, SVP for Professional Services at Enolytics.

One of the white papers is about migrating data from one system to another. Data migration is a vulnerable moment in a winery's life cycle, and it's helpful to have a guide through the process that keeps your data and your business safe and secure. Chris writes authoritatively about the process through an engineer's lens: what works, what does not work, and why. Even if Enolytics isn't your data migration provider, please read this paper. We want you to be protected.

The other white paper is about the differences between reports, benchmarking and analytics. We joked that the set-up to this paper could be, "Reports, Benchmarking and Analytics walk into a bar..." (haha) but, despite the similarities of the three tools, they are quite distinct and serve different purposes. Each offers value and benefits, but differently. As a former winery executive, Ed Thralls brings a peer-to-peer, boots-on-the-ground perspective to the wine business. He's been in your shoes, he speaks your language, and he knows what matters to you in your roles.

These white papers that are available to you now are also intended to generate conversation and spark ideas within our community. Ideally you'll share your thoughts for new themes to explore as we continue adding to the resources that anyone can obtain, explore and apply.

Thank you, as always, for reading these weekly posts. Thank you too for reading the "longer form" white papers, and for letting us know what you think. We're listening.

Thank you very much,