Imagine a "Partial Analyst," to Tell You What to Do with All that Wine Data
Imagine having access to a "partial analyst," that is, someone who looks at your winery data for you, deciphers it, and tells you what you need to know.
Sound good?
We think so too. Which is why we'd like to introduce ENO Time Saver, especially as we head into the fresh start of 2025.
The best part? It costs less than any of our software packages. In the words of someone I talked to earlier this week, "That's like hiring my own partial analyst. It's the deal of the century."
Here's how it works:
We onboard your data, just like we would if you were signing up for the Enolytics software.
We verify your data with you, to be sure it reflects your business accurately.
You start receiving daily reports, with updates of your last 24 hours' activity. See a sample here.
Every month, at an agreed-upon time, you meet for an hour with one of our analysts. Someone who already knows the software, who knows how to get answers quickly, and who's got their finger on the pulse of what wineries need to know now.
You ask the questions. We provide the answers, plus we'll highlight growth opportunities and actionable takeaways that are tailored specifically to your business.
Bottom line... What does it cost?
Four thousand dollars for the year. That's the daily reports plus the monthly deep-dive meetings, one-on-one.
Four thousand dollars for a partial analyst? Come on. Get in there.
Now's the time to gear up, and start fresh in 2025.
Drop me a line and let's get started.
Thank you, as always, for reading -