Enolytics - Data analytics for the wine and spirits industry.

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I've Worked for Enolytics for One Month. This is What It's Like

Checking in with a quick update from our executive retreat and jam-packed week here in Northern California.

I’m happy to report that it’s all smiles one month into my position as VP of Supplier Relations at Enolytics. The days and many nights have been absolutely full of connecting with energetic wineries, wholesalers and spirits companies who are either ecstatic Enolytics current users, or can’t wait to join the community of users.

What a dream “helper” position I’m in. There hasn’t been a day where I’ve not been, quite frankly, astonished by Enolytics' technology and by those who use it.

The Enolytics 101 theme this month is “Superheroes." There are three super powers that always come to mind when hearing from happy wineries, talking with new connections, and hearing in-depth what our technology can do and is doing for our industry right now and in the very near future too.

  1. Superhuman Strength 

  2. Superhuman Intelligence 

  3. Precognition 

The level of determination, intelligence and advanced technology is a triple threat to any and all of your competition. More on this soon. I’m so happy to be here and help connect Enolytics with your customers and to your products to strengthen brand loyalty and of course, increase your revenue, which is the point! 

Not an Enolytics user yet? Now is the time to dust off your cape and get on board too.

All the world’s waiting for you and the power you possess.”

Alison Smith Story