Enolytics - Data analytics for the wine and spirits industry.

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Recap of Wineshipping.com Seminar: Raise Your Hand!

From the Desk of Alison Smith Story this week...

Raise your hand high if you got into the wine business because you love data? This is one of the questions I asked with a curious smile on my face last week to a room of wine pros. This question was met with a wave of chuckles from attendees gathering to learn more about Wineshipping.com. A few hands also shot-up high however! 

I had the pleasure to attend the Wineshipping.com seminar as well as speak with this dynamic group about how Enolytics is enhancing both DTC and wholesale sales channels, as is Wineshipping.com's newest offerings. It's time to think of our world of channels as an "Omni Channel." If your winery has solid distribution across America, there is a great chance you are using VIP (Vermont Information Processing) to help manage your wholesale world. Now's the time to use this vast VIP information and dive deeper by combining Enolytics DTC and wholesale channel data to sell tighter, brighter or wider than every before. Better together indeed! 

Mark my words, Enolytics is humanizing wine data.  Wine is so very personal, so is our relationship with the sales channels. Anyone like me who's a veteran sales pro has known all along how data plays a big role in generating new revenue. Gone are the days when I waited on a Friday night for a "West Coast Importer/Winery" to send me updated inventory in an excel spreadsheet so I could then send my best wine buyers a "sneak peak" of wines that were landing soon and also important wine nearing end of vintage.  At that time, I also captured a few thousand email addresses from writing on my wine blog, then used them to communicate about the wines offered to my best accounts. The sell through game was strong thanks to those valuable inventory numbers. Using data is not new to our wine sales game. Enolytics' data is however, a game changer. 

The elephant in the room can now take a bow and walk out the exit door.  DTC plus wholesale working well together has arrived. Track me down anytime, or request a demo for you and your team from the home page of Enolytics.com. Time is of the essence! 

Alison Smith Story

VP of Supplier Relations, Enolytics