Enolytics - Data analytics for the wine and spirits industry.

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Special Invitation: Wine Club Data with the Wine Market Council TOMORROW

Please join us tomorrow for a unique opportunity to explore two sides of the same coin.

Qualitative research results, that is, from thousands of consumer survey respondents, presented in conjunction with quantitative research results from hundreds of millions of data records and transactions.

Those are two sides of the same coin.

Meaning that those are two distinctly different approaches to the same topic, in this case wine clubs and winery experiences.

Can those approaches synergize? Is there any overlap of findings? What can wineries learn from each approach, and both approaches taken together, that will ultimately help their bottom line?

Please join us and find out.

It will be a pleasure to join Dr Liz Thach MW and Christian Miller at 10 am PST tomorrow on the Wine Market Council webinar called "The Voice of the Consumer: Insights into Improving Wine Clubs and Winery Experiences."

Liz and Christian will present their findings and analysis from the WMC's new Wine Club / DTC Consumer Benchmark Study, while I'll be speaking to trends and insights that Enolytics is seeing in our data and research.

I'm looking forward to the conversation, and to exploring the similarities, differences and synergies in the "two sides, same coin" dynamic.

Naturally, please let me know if you have any questions. I'd be glad to hear them, and weave them into my preparation for the webinar tomorrow.

Thank you, as always, for reading and for tuning in -