Enolytics - Data analytics for the wine and spirits industry.

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Wine Sales Through Data: Real-World Examples of How It's Working Now

Let me cut to the chase, and shine a spotlight this week on wineries who are winning.

Winning, that is, at selling more wine especially through the use of data - to identify the right people to reach out to, with the right offer for that group of people in particular, at the right time when they're ready to hear it.

Here are a few recent and inspiring examples from around our ecosystem. They're doing it, and we know that you can too.

Did you also try a Labor Day sale? One of Enolytics' most avid users did, during the last week of August through Labor Day. It ended up being their biggest sale ever, netting more than $30,000. What were the keys? They offered both rosé wines and red wines (capitalizing on the shoulder-season desire for both weights or styles of wines), through both their Tasting Room and their Website, through a combination of segmenting customer lists with Enolytics, then reaching out via RedChirp and Klaviyo.

End result? This winery is up 20 percent for the year.

That's an exceptional outcome, hands down. Here, too, are more techniques and strategies that we're seeing wineries put into play to winning effect:

  • Microsegmentation. If there's a word of the year from DTC wine sales in 2024, this gets my vote. The right offer, to the right people, at the right time.

  • Reach out to customers who came in previous summers, but not this past summer. Create a special "we missed you" campaign just for them.

  • Channel-specific incentives. If the customer's bought in a particular channel in the past - the Website, say - entice them to purchase there again.

  • Reach out to Tasting Room visitors who have not signed up for your Wine Club... yet!

  • Proactively contact Wine Club members who are at high risk of leaving the club.

These strategies are working too. Wineries are winning with DTC sales! Yes, it takes work and yes, the wineries are earning every single dollar. But it's happening for them, and it can for you, too.

We're here to help. Please be in touch, and let's get you started too.

Thank you, as always, for reading -