Enolytics - Data analytics for the wine and spirits industry.

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Your Slice of the Wine and Data Pie: Eat and Enjoy!


This week we served up some slices.

Of data, that is.

And it gives us all a sense of the personal relevance - of what's in it for each of you - from the hundreds of millions of ecommerce data records and the technology we've built to work with it.

What's in it for you is the "slice" of the data that applies to your business, and the hands-on suggestions for applying the insights in your day-to-day roles.

This week, it was Oregon's turn for a slice.

Kari Scott, Marketing Manager at WineDirect, and I pre-recorded a session for the Oregon Wine Symposium, which is happening virtually next week.

  • We started by describing briefly the methodology of the study, or the "how" and "why" WineDirect and Enolytics partnered for this project.

  • We narrowed the scope quickly to the data and insights that are relevant to Oregon's DTC landscape, like Channels, AOV, Club and Gender and Generation demographics of consumers.

  • We summarized key takeaways and applications.

  • We finished with a view on the climate impact of Oregon's DTC sales, and the carbon offset program currently in place.

It's the first time we've served a specific slice of the big data pie. We made it to order, so to speak, for the audience according to what matters most to them.

There are so many (so very many) other slices just waiting to be cut - by geography, for example, or varietal or channel or or or.

We have plans for that, and we'd love to hear your ideas too.

How can we help you get your slice?

Please be in touch by email or phone at +1.702.528.3717.

Thank you, as always, for reading -
