Make a List, Check It Twice: Five Suggestions for Successful Holiday Sales

Image Credit: Leah Komaiko / Corbis

'Tis the season. Almost.

Which means it's just about time for planning your holiday sales outreach, if you haven't already.

Segmenting your customer database is a powerful tool for creating the right offers and sending them at the right time to the right people. We're currently fielding requests for help on this from wineries who are proactively planning for the holiday season.

Here are five lists we've recommended:

  1. GIFTERS who have ordered from the winery in the last year. (Their billing information is different than their shipping information.) The list also includes the number of orders that are gifts, which could help the winery to distinguish corporate gifters from casual gifters.

  2. Another list are customers who bought from the winery last year during NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER in non-Club channels. We add Club status to the list as well so that the winery can see the overlap.

  3. LAST-MINUTE CUSTOMERS (non-Club members) who bought within one week before Thanksgiving and one week before Christmas. Their channel of purchase is also included.

  4. While we’re at it, we also look at the RFM analysis (that is, Recency, Frequency and Monetary Spend) and hone in on “at risk” and “to watch” customers, along with their Months Since Last Order and All Time Net Sales.

  5. Finally, we look at Club members who are at High and Very High risk of leaving the club.

What if you had access to these lists for your winery too?

Imagine how much more prepared you'd be, heading into the holiday season. Imagine, too, how much better of a sense you'd have of your own customers. They're exactly the right people for the right offer at the right time.

How significantly would your holiday sales improve?

Quite a bit, is my bet.

If you are not yet using the Enolytics software, please don't worry. There is still plenty of time to get you up and running well before the holidays, and our offer is still valid for the 30-day risk free trial.

Follow that link to register or the trial, or just drop me a line anytime.

Additional Content Alert: I hope you'll join us for an upcoming virtual session on Maximizing Holiday Sales: The Data Tells Us When, and How at the Wine Industry Sales Symposium on August 24. I'll be joined by Kari Scott, Marketing Manager at WineDirect, and Alex Jones, Direct and Digital Marketing Manager (and a super user of the Enolytics software!) at Gary Farrell Vineyards & Winery.

I'm looking forward very much to Kari and Alex's ideas and suggestions, and I hope to see you there.

Thank you, as always, for reading —



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