Enolytics - Data analytics for the wine and spirits industry.

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Wines of Chile: An Enolytics Case Study

We launched Enolytics a few months ago with a report on a specific topic — “When is Wine O’Clock?” — that emerged from our research into the timing of wine consumer engagement. It offered valuable observations, especially for companies looking to daypart and segment their communications by market.

Here’s the painful part, from a researcher’s point of view: we left out an extraordinary amount of information from that report — like the proverbial edits on the cutting room floor — not because it wasn’t relevant, but because it was too generally relevant.

That was an important learning. Research is critical, but being able to apply it to specific organizations with particular challenges is even more critical. 

It’s the wine data version of “What This Means To Me.” In other words, we realized we need to customize.

That’s the direction Enolytics is moving toward, and today I’d like to take a moment to explain how.

Wines of Chile USA is a specific organization, and their particular challenge is to strategize upcoming marketing efforts based on wine consumer sentiment, behavior, and awareness of their wines. The challenge is especially pertinent to Chilean wines in relation to their closest competitors. 

Is Wines of Chile USA interested in wine consumer research overall? Of course. But are they more interested in quantitative, empirical wine consumer research as it relates to them specifically? Absolutely, especially since it enables them to optimize their sales and marketing strategies in order to improve their top line performance.

So here were five starting points for our engagement with Wines of Chile. 

  1. Understand the position of Chilean wines within specific markets from the point of view of wine consumer interest and sentiment.
  2. Understand the position of competitor wines within those same parameters.
  3. Identify opportunities for growth.
  4. Plan, revise, and refine sales and marketing strategies accordingly.
  5. Based on the insights yielded from the scope of work, identify additional questions and potential solutions that have yet to be considered.

"Enolytics presents compelling data," said Marybeth Bentwood, Executive Director of Wines of Chile. "We use scanned sales traditionally to analyze the market but that tells us more about product availability and demand than about consumer sentiment or awareness, or category opportunities. Enolytics recognized this shortfall and is bringing the wine industry into the 21st century with real time datamining. It's exciting. I can't wait to see their evolution."

As we add additional sources to enhance the depth and breadth of our data model, our ability to address specific organizations’ particular challenges will continue to improve.

It’s an exciting time, that’s also full of potential.

What are your particular challenges? And how can we help?

I look forward, as always, to your thoughts —

Thank you for reading.