Enolytics - Data analytics for the wine and spirits industry.

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How Wine Companies Make Decisions

How do wine companies make decisions?

That’s a question I ask people I connect with — data partners and potential clients alike — regarding Enolytics.

I ask the question a lot, actually, because it’s a critical component of what we’re trying to do.

We're interested in knowing how brands decide on a new wine to launch, for example.

Or how restaurants decide which wines to list.

Or how a winery’s marketing team decides on next year’s communications strategy.

Sure, on our end we think that each of those decisions, and others like them, can be informed by a level-eyed look at empirical data that documents consumer behavior and sentiment.

That’s why we launched Enolytics, after all — to be the conduit between wine companies and the relevant, quantitatively-rooted information that can guide their decisions.

But that isn’t necessarily the tactic that companies are used to taking.

What they’re used to doing, based on the answers I’ve heard to my question, are things they’ve already been doing for quite a long time. They look at inventory and depletion figures, for example, and less tangible things as well, like legacy, tradition, and gut instincts.

I get it, and it makes sense especially if they’ve been relying on that tactic and they’re obviously still in business.

But what I’m suggesting, what Enolytics is suggesting, is that there’s another approach, a complementary approach, that can help because it's grounded in empirical evidence.

Wine consumers leave a digital trail that indicates what they're interested in, and that trail is getting longer and more nuanced every day. It's how they're telling us what they want, how they want to be spoken to, and how you can sell more wine. We have the tools to listen, so there's no guesswork and no expensive mistakes.

What decisions are you making today? Let us connect you to the resources that can guide them.

Drop me a line anytime.

Thank you, as always, for reading --