Enolytics - Data analytics for the wine and spirits industry.

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Holy Bloody Moly: A Piece of Good News Out of London

We heard some incredibly exciting news this week. The shortlist was announced from London for the Louis Roederer International Wine Writers’ Awards, and I found myself as a finalist for the Mazzei International Wine Columnist of the Year.

As I wrote in my posts on social media, holy bloody moly.

It’s an honor. Full stop.

It’s also an opportunity to become familiar with the work of other writers who have been shortlisted, some of which I hadn’t previously known.

Most of all, it’s given us at Enolytics a chance to take a step back and seek perspective. In terms of the current state of content we care about it, that is, and the future of it as well.

That will be on our minds this coming week as our team begins our annual retreat: to seek perspective on the evolution of wine + data, and the future of it as well, for Enolytics and in general.

I’m looking forward to the pause away from our regular routines, to the brainstorming, and especially to strategizing about how to do better in the months and years to come.

Thank you, as always, for your input and for reading these weekly posts.