Video: Mailchimp and WineDirect Integration

I should have known better. For sure.

Last week I wrote about four ideas for wineries to boost their ecommerce programs right now. The fourth idea was about paying the most attention to email campaigns that generate the most revenue, and I included a screen shot of a scatter diagram that shows how we integrate data from an email provider (like Mailchimp) and an ecommerce platform (in this case, WineDirect).

That’s what I did wrong: included the static image of a screen shot.

This week I’d like to course correct and share this short, narrated video that animates how the Mailchimp / WineDirect integration actually looks.

Please have a look at the video here.

Here’s what to know about this integration:

  • Consider it one way that you can know what you’re doing right. You’ll know which campaigns resonated with which group of your customers, so that you can communicate more effectively with your top revenue generators.

  • This information is already there in your own data. Our goal is to make it easy for you to see it. We pull the information to the surface, illustrate it visually, and connect the dots between the two streams of data.

  • We go a step further and overlaid census data onto the email and ecommerce data, to provide more visibility into the demographics of your customers.

  • An insight like this empowers the winery to evaluate which of their wines perform best in which markets, as well as the demographic profile of their customers who generate the most revenue. It’s a clear message of what, where and who to prioritize.

Does that make sense?

I hope so. I also hope that the video helps. It’s also the latest addition to our Videos page, FYI.

Inspiration of the Week

Have you seen this dashboard, developed by Lauren Gardner and her team at Johns Hopkins University? It tracks COVID cases and deaths around the world, and presents the information in a very user-friendly way.

From a purely operational perspective, I find this dashboard inspirational. The clarity and user experience of it has been in the back of my mind, as we work to communicate visually around data in our industry. That’s the aim: access to data, and the business insights that result, that are communicated visually and clearly. And with impact.

Please let me know your thoughts. Thank you, as always, for reading.



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