Enolytics - Data analytics for the wine and spirits industry.

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Announcing DTC Comparison / Benchmarking Reports, Available Now

The idea is to provide apples to apples comparisons.

Of your winery's DTC performance, that is, in relation to your competitive set.

If you tuned into yesterday's Q2 2022 DTC webinar with WineDirect and Enolytics, you've heard us discuss this publicly for the first time: comparison reports are now available by request, showing each winery’s performance against their competitive set.

For the US, the competitive set is currently defined by price range. In Canada and Australia, the competitive set is the rest of the country. For everyone, the competitive set is anonymized.

We’re able to generate these reports because of our relationship with WineDirect, and our analysis of 200 million+ DTC data records dating back to 2017. You may have already seen initial Impact report that was released earlier this year and the Q2 2022 update that was released last week.

Now we’d like to show each WineDirect-powered winery their “slice” of that massive report, updated with numbers from Q1 and Q2 of 2022.

Each winery's competitive set is defined on the second page of the report. Then, on the following pages, the winery’s results on a wide range of indicators are presented on the right-hand side of the page while their competitive set’s results are presented on the left-hand side of the page.Apples to apples.

Interested? I hope so.

We've automated the process for running these reports, so it's queued up and ready to go.

Here's where to see a sample of these reports, and to request your own if you're a WineDirect customer.

Naturally, if you've got any questions or want to talk about it, drop me a line, as always, or just give me a call at 702.528.3717.

Thank you for reading, for viewing, and for your ongoing interest —
