Enolytics for Free: Announcing ENO Insights

This is one of the most exciting announcements Enolytics has ever made, and we are ready for it.

Starting today, wineries can get Enolytics at no cost.

Meaning, we'd onboard every winery one by one, in a process that's very easy for you. We'd map your data, and ensure its accuracy. Then you'd start receiving a fresh one-page report every 24 hours with the most important Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) about your business.

That's it.

I'm gonna guess you might have some questions. Let me see if I can anticipate a few of them.

Q: What's the catch?
A: No catch. You already have the data, and a lot of wineries want to use it better but don't know how. ENO Insights is how we'll help wineries one by one. As more and more wineries onboard, we'll be able to help the industry by providing anonymized and automated insights through benchmarking and a "ticker" that keeps the pulse of our industry.

There has never been a better time to "lift all boats" of the industry again, this time through data. It's the right thing for us to do, right now.

Q: If Enolytics is now free, how will we stay in business?
A: Wineries who use ENO Insights receive daily emails but do not have access to their own dashboard in Enolytics. We will continue to sell the software, for any winery who wants to dig deeper.

Q: What DTC systems do you integrate with?
A: Today we integrate with WineDirect, Commerce7 and vinSUITE. Very soon we will also integrate with eCellar, Shopify, OrderPort and Figure.

Q: How will you keep my data secure?

A: This is a big deal, to you and to us. Our team includes certified information systems security professionals (CISSPs) who constantly monitor and enhance our security measures. We have implemented comprehensive technology and policies to safeguard your private information from unauthorized access and misuse. Find more information about our commitment to security here.

Q: What does the daily report look like?
A: See for yourself here.

Q: Where can I learn more?
A: Here, where you can also get the process started.

Q: What if I have more questions?
A: I'm here and would be happy to talk. My email is cathy@enolytics.com and my phone number is +1.702.528.23717.

Thank you for reading -


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