Video Tip: Here’s How to Sell More Rosé Wine Right Now
Image Credit: The Backlabel
Summer’s around the corner, and so is rosé season!
Who’s ready for THAT? [Waves hand wildly.]
Ready to buy and drink, that is, and also ready to sell.
Let me give you a video tip for selling more rosé wine right now:
Reach out to all of your DTC contacts who bought rosé from you last year, but have not yet bought rosé from you this year. Remind them of their past purchases, and encourage them to do the same thing (or more) this year too in order to start the summer season off on the right foot.
How do you know who those people are?
Here’s where the video tip comes in: In this three-minute video, we show step-by-step how to create a report that lists all of your customers who bought rosé within a specific period of time (last year, in this case) who also did not buy rosé yet this year.
It is not hard.
The data — your own data — is already there.
It’s just a matter of making it visible and usable. Which is where we come in.
This is how wineries just like yours are selling more rosé wine right now.
You can do it too, and so much more.
Please let me know if you’d like to get started. Drop me an email or just give me a call at 1.702.528.3717.
I look forward to that.
Thank you, as always, for reading —