I Cannot Get This Image Out of My Head...

I can't seem to get this image out of my mind.

Last Thursday afternoon in St Helena, California, Clif Family Winery very generously hosted an Enolytics user group, where we sat down with a table full of customers to talk through the 2.0 update of our software.

You can see what happened.

People came, maybe some you know personally, to ask questions and find answers and work better and more efficiently.

They brought their laptops and water bottles and coffee. They settled in for a work session, sure, and they exchanged business cards and tips and stories peer to peer.

Maybe even friend to friend.

Which is exactly what we were aiming for. So much so, that we're going to do more of these community gatherings: we're looking at you, Central Coast of California, and Virginia, and Lodi, and and and.

Want us to come to you? Drop me a note, and let's get it on the calendar.

We learn better, and work better, and create better, altogether after all.

I look forward to that.

Thank you, as always --


Upcoming Webinar - The DTC Playbook by DRINKS / Enolytics


Enolytics Now Integrates with... Shopify and Awtomic!