Enolytics - Data analytics for the wine and spirits industry.

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Your Winery's "Slice" of Industry Trend Reports: Q4 2022 Comparison Reports Now Available

It's hard to miss the news of so many reports that have been released recently about the wine industry, and our current and future trends. It's hard, also, to miss the analysis of those reports.

My question today is, where does YOUR winery stand? How are YOU doing?

What can you know about your own "tree," so to speak, among the whole forest of trees?

This is where our comparison reports come in, available exclusively to WineDirect customers. With your go-ahead, we'll carve out your winery's performance during the last quarter and all of 2022, and compare it against an anonymous set of competitive wineries.

The competitive set, FYI, is defined by Average Price per Bottle, so you'll be looking at your winery's performance side-by-side to other wineries whose wines are priced the same as yours.

You are welcome to also request a Zoom session with our team to go through your winery's report. It will help you to get a handle on what all of the recent reports and analyses mean for you and your winery, specifically.

That's the bottom line, after all.

Please request your report here. It is at no cost to you.

Naturally let me know if you have any questions or suggestions.

Thank you, as always for reading, and we look forward to hearing from you -