Enolytics - Data analytics for the wine and spirits industry.

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New Video: How Ecommerce Data Analysis Works for You

Video, it turns out, is a very effective way to understand how data analysis helps your ecommerce business.

Why is that? Here are three reasons.

  1. Your data has a lot of moving parts. Our analysis does too. The action is LIVE. That’s why video is a great way to demonstrate what the dashboard does, in an interactive and dynamic way.

  2. It’s cool to look at. It breaks the mold of data-as-boring or data-as-spreadsheets and even data-as-reporting. The interactivity is about dynamic visuals for sure, but most of all it’s about seeing your data in a way that’s meaningful and useful.

  3. You’ll see how user-friendly the platform is, in terms of language and navigating around. The language is intuitive thanks to our narrative of “Who,” “What,” “Where,” “When,” “Why” and “How Much.” The navigation is also intuitive and fast.

The video’s above, or you could link to it here.

We hope you like the video. More importantly, we hope you find it helpful to understand what’s possible once dynamic analytics is layered on top of the data you already own.

My own top three favorite takeaways from the video?

  1. How easy it is to navigate to exactly the insights you’re looking for. “Easy,” that is, even for a decidedly non-developer, non-analyst, non-techie like me! I’m kind of the tester on our team, actually. If I can’t figure out how to get around the dashboard, and find what I want, then it’s back to the drawing board.

  2. There’s a focus on story, and the narrative of your ecommerce data. Who / What / Where / When / Why / How Much. Those are literally the links, and it’s where my “fingerprint” as a journalist and communicator comes through. 

  3. The Tasting Room module, by including data about Sales Associates and their performance, doubles as a staff management tool.

So, what do you think? Please let me know. I would sincerely love to hear your feedback.

Thank you, of course, for reading.