Come Over October, and How Data Can Help

From the Desk of Alison Smith Story...

Chances are really good that you've heard by now about Come Over October. How are you also engaging with your fans, Club members and customers about it?

Pour yourself a glass, and take a few minutes to explore and create. Open a new release bottle or two and just be. Take in the moment of fine wine: The sound of cork popping or wine bottle opening, the meditative tones of wine pouring into a glass, and the sight along with the aroma.

Let it inspire you.

Come Over October gives wineries a unique opportunity to remind their customers that the joy of wine is often found sharing bottles while relaxing with friends. We speak of this quite often with Enolytics' users, mostly while working on solutions to sell new wines and gathering in different parts of the country.

Now's the time to give an extra nudge to new and loyal customers alike. Encourage them to enjoy a glass of your wine on the deck with neighbors, cooking a family recipe, and inviting someone over who may also need a comfortable meal and good conversation.

You know what to do. A special three-bottle offering? Complimentary delivery in your town from the winery? An online "Sip and Supper" with your members? The ideas are endless with the people who love your wines the most.

If half the wineries in the world reminded their people to open a few bottles next month, think of all the joy and happiness that would surely come from this! From a business standpoint, that’s one heck of a lot of depletions too!

Cheers to inspiring new gatherings next month! We’re here for it!


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