DTC Wine Symposium: Letter from Monterey, California

Writing to you this week from the DTC Wine Symposium in Monterey, California, and here's one thing I wanted to say:

The Wine Data Community are superheroes.

No really. They are. Our industry is at a moment of change, where we absolutely need to work and think and act differently.

Wine people who use data are those change-makers, and I'm here in Monterey this week to fangirl them in "You're a superhero!" fashion.

Check out their action words!

They raise all boats of the wine industry... this time through data.

They boost revenue by the smart use of customer information and trends.

They create opportunities by applying accurate data to outside-the-box ideas.

They respond to challenges and requests, often delivering a more insightful answer than the original question needed.

They think carefully and methodically, and research answers that make sense.

They are driving change, and showing how the wine industry can think and act and work differently.

The Wine Data Community, in other words, are superheroes. The least we can do is be sure they're dressed for the occasion. Which is why we've had these Wine Data Superhero tshirts (above) printed up and ready to hand out at our user group dinner this week.

We've been seeing these superheroes for a few years already. Now we want the rest of the industry to see them too.

#fangirl, over and out.

Thank you,


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My Invitations to You and the Wine Data Community