Enolytics - Data analytics for the wine and spirits industry.

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Enolytics in Australia: “Everyone Was Really Excited for the Possibilities that Just Opened Up”

Image credit: Singlefile Wines

Australian wineries sell wine DTC, in some cases more successfully than their counterparts in Canada and here in the US as well.

That was a notable insight from our 2021 DTC Impact Report, which analyzed data from WineDirect clients in all three countries. Overall DTC grew more than 40% between 2019 and 2021 in Australia, and Website sales specifically grew more than 150% during the same time period.

Average Bottles Per Order, moreover, is the highest there of all three countries.

They’re impressive numbers, and we’re looking forward to creating the Australian “slice” of the Impact report in partnership with WineDirect.

In the meantime, our work has begun with individual wineries using Enolytics’ DTC software. Singlefile Wines has stepped up as our earliest adopter, as they help us to navigate the nuances of Australian wine’s DTC dynamics.

How’s it going so far?

“We just sat down with everyone a few days ago and had a look at everything as a team,” said Patti Beaulieu of Singlefile, who first expressed interest in Enolytics more than a year ago. “Everyone was really excited for the amount of possibilities that just opened up. We went from having no easy-to-read data to suddenly having an overwhelming amount!”

We’re happy to hear it, and grateful to Singlefile for working through the process with us.

It’s a little like Enolytics with an Australian accent.

It sounds pretty good to me.

Please let me know if you’d like more information. Click here to download the Impact report (the summary KPIs for Australia are on page 30). And, at any time, feel free to schedule a demo here.

As always, thank you for reading —