InnoVint + Enolytics: Trusted Partnership for Better Wine Business

Since the very beginning of Enolytics, we've thought of ourselves as Switzerland when it comes to wine data.

As in, neutral. As in, agnostic. As in, if an organization's data can help our winery clients, then we want to work with that organization.

That approach has led to a robust and friendly ecosystem of data partners, and today we'd like to focus on one in particular.


To be honest, Enolytics has tended to focus more on sales and operations, and less on the grower and viticulture side of the wine business.

But InnoVint data begins at the beginning, from vineyard tracking to wine production to inventory management. It's easy to see where our businesses overlap, and partnering with InnoVint means giving wineries visibility into their data at yet another touchpoint, before there's even something to sell.

Think of it like another building block for your winery's success.

Here's another way to support the idea of wine businesses partnering for the benefit of wineries and the industry as a whole:

Take a few minutes to complete InnoVint's first-ever State of Wine Business Health survey. They mean "health" multi-dimensionally, in terms of financial, operational and cultural factors.

It's a more complete and holistic approach, and I know it's something that CEO Ashley Leonard and her team have been talking about for a long time now. They want to take it further, and I'm here to root them on for the sake of our future.

Take a few minutes to contribute your responses to the survey. As they say, don't overthink it. Your honest opinions are what they value most.

I second that.

Thank you for your incredible responses to our announcement that Alison Smith Story has joined Enolytics. Ali, InnoVint and Smith Story Wines are teaming up for this "Punchdown - Hangout" in Healdsburg a week from tomorrow. Please check it out!

Thank you also for your support and encouragement, to Enolytics and our ecosystem of data partners -


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Breaking News: Alison Smith Story Joins Enolytics as VP of Supplier Relations