Is This the Best Wine Speaker Lineup Ever?

Is this lineup of speakers at the Vine to Mind conference, coming up in Boston on June 14, the best ever?

It depends on how you define “best.”

If “best” to you means unexpected, and not the same-old same-old, then yes.

If “best” to you means “Let’s think about the wine business in ways we haven’t yet altogether, or all on the same day,” then yes.

If “best” to you means that you’re very likely to close the day having thought new thoughts, and tasted great wines, and met new people you wouldn’t have met otherwise, then yes.

If “best” to you means that registering for the conference is free, so that anyone and everyone is welcome to join, then yes.

I’m checking Yes, Yes, Yes and Yes.

Can we count you in? I hope so. I’ll be there, speaking briefly about Wine AI. If you have ideas on that, and questions you’d like me to be sure to address, by all means please let me know. I’d love to hear your feedback, and add it to the mix of this conference.

Thank you in advance for that, and always, of course, for your encouragement and support.



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