Enolytics - Data analytics for the wine and spirits industry.

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Try Enolytics for Free for Fifteen Days

Let's say you've been curious about Enolytics. Let's also say that you'd like to see what it's all about, and you've been waiting for the right time.

That time has come, and we're here to walk right alongside you every step of the way.

We've learned a few things about wineries who "win" at leveraging data to sell more wine in DTC:

  1. It takes just one person at a winery to own the project, and to make a very big difference, and

  2. That person needs a plan within a specific period of time, usually two weeks of focused attention at the start, to get off on the right foot and get some early "wins." That's why we're adjusting our 30-day free trial period to 15 days as of July 1.

If you're that one person who's going to own the DTC data project at your winery, please email or text or call me (+1.702.528.3717) right away. I'll walk you through the setup.

Next comes the PLAN for your 15-day free trial period. We'll send you quick videos with step by step  guidelines toward a quick win for the day.

Here are a few examples:

You get the idea.

Quick recap: Identify the right person (you...?) and reach out. We'll get you onboarded. Start your 15-day trial period, with "video guidebook" in hand.


Let's GO. We want, very much, for you to succeed with data too.

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